L’aforisma del giorno – Nizar Qabbani

Nizar Qabbani – Poeta siriano, (1923- 1998).
E’ il poeta arabo più popolare del novecento.
E’ stato definito Il simbolo della Poesia

Oh poets of the occupied land!
Oh poets of the occupied land!
Oh you! The pages of your notebooks are
immersed in blood and mud.
Oh you! The voices of your throats are similar
to the death rattle of the hanged.
Oh you! The colors of your inkwells they look like
those from the necks of those who have been slaughtered.
We have been learning from you for years.
We are the defeated poets,
we are strangers to history,
we are strangers to the pains of the afflicted.
We learn from you how writing can have the shape of a knife!
Oh poets of the occupied land.
Oh beautiful birds that come to us from the night of captivity.
Oh veiled-eyed pain, pure as the dawn prayer.
Oh rose bushes that grow among burning coals.
Or falling rain despite the oppression, despite the violence….
We learn from you as one who is immersed
can sing at the bottom of a well

Nizar Qabbani – Syrian poet, (1923- 1998). He is the most popular Arab poet of the twentieth century. He has been defined as the symbol of poetry

Nizar Qabbani – poète syrien (1923-1998). Il est le poète arabe le plus populaire du XXe siècle. Il a été défini comme le symbole de la poésie

poesie arabe

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