L’aforisma del giorno – Anonimo (1971)

Da oggi condividerò poesie di diversi poeti arabi. Buona lettura!
Descrizione numeri:
1- I jinn sono gli spiriti folletti della tradizione islamica, esseri intermedi tra gli uomini e gli angeli.
2- Il florilegio più famoso della poesia classica, raccolto nel X secolo dal persiano al-Isfahani (897-967).
3- “Pensai: «Che ci faccio qui? Come posso scrivere per gli egiziani? Sto vivendo l’umanità nella diversità». Decisi di tornare, di smetterla di essere un traditore.
Ho scritto ad un amico: «Gli uomini sono alberi o uccelli. Io voglio essere un albero». Con i suoi rami”.
4- Strumento ad arco tradizionale diffuso in tutto il Medio Oriente, con una piccola cassa di risonanza, da cui sembra derivata la nostra ribeca.
5- Come esempio di questa vicinanza ideale tra i due poeti citiamo la chiusura de
La bolla de’ sapone: «So’ bella, sì, ma duro troppo poco./ La vita mia, che nasce per un gioco / come la maggior parte delle cose,/ sta chiusa in una goccia… Tutto quanto / finisce in una lagrima de pianto.»

Again alone
He who grasps the air… the air is a horse who runs without a voice opens the doors and the flower of silence gives life to the houses friends pass through the walls his chest fills with peace of faith the heart… of flashes the eyes
We lived together… sharing the smile and the breath of the breeze our love was beyond time a rose drenched in dew We joined the exploding of the universe In a fortress besieged by enemies We drank hell and heaven… … in the vibrating strings of gypsy violins
Close your eyes and send greetings to the world that is born again before us and the belly of the tree is full of pomegranates, figs, mulberries and oranges.
A white dove flies across the immense space A sparrow learns to fly it almost doesn’t spread its wings with silky feathers. The morning breeze a solitary white sail I am a violin string that vibrates with life I cry like a newborn and I embrace the world.
Dawn arrives after a thousand black nights I close my eyes to see… Shadows… shadows… a prayer emerges from his lips The universe expands… and I am in the vortex of magical melodies in the purity of the sky and in the tremor of the earth in the storms of the sea.

From today I will share poems by different Arab poets. Enjoy the reading!
Number description:
1- The jinn are the pixie spirits of the Islamic tradition, intermediate beings between men and angels.
2- The most famous anthology of classical poetry, collected in the 10th century by the Persian al-Isfahani (897-967).
3- “I thought: «What am I doing here? How can I write for Egyptians? I am experiencing humanity in diversity.” I decided to return, to stop being a traitor. I wrote to a friend: «Men are trees or birds. I want to be a tree.” With its branches.”
4- Traditional bowed instrument widespread throughout the Middle East, with a small sound box, from which our rebec appears to be derived.
5- As an example of this ideal closeness between the two poets we cite the closing of The soap bubble: «It’s beautiful, yes, but it lasts too little. / My life, which was born for a game / like most things, / is closed in a drop… Everything / ends in a tear de crying.”

A partir d’aujourd’hui, je partagerai des poèmes de différents poètes arabes. Bonne lecture !
Description des numéros :
1- Les djinns sont les esprits lutins de la tradition islamique, êtres intermédiaires entre les hommes et les anges.
2- L’anthologie la plus célèbre de poésie classique, recueillie au Xe siècle par le persan al-Isfahani (897-967).
3- « J’ai pensé : « Qu’est-ce que je fais ici ? Comment puis-je écrire pour les Égyptiens ? Je vis l’humanité dans la diversité.” J’ai décidé de revenir, de cesser d’être un traître. J’ai écrit à un ami : « Les hommes sont des arbres ou des oiseaux. Je veux être un arbre.” Avec ses branches.”
4- Instrument à archet traditionnel répandu dans tout le Moyen-Orient, doté d’une petite caisse de résonance, dont semble dériver notre rebec.
5- A titre d’exemple de cette proximité idéale entre les deux poètes nous citons la clôture de La bulle de savon : « C’est beau, oui, mais ça dure trop peu. / Ma vie, née pour un jeu / comme la plupart des choses, / se ferme en une goutte… Tout / se termine dans une larme de pleurs. »

poesie arabe

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