L’aforisma del giorno – Anonimo (1969)

Da oggi condividerò poesie di diversi poeti arabi. Buona lettura!

Image on the Wall
From a thousand…
maybe three thousand years…
the blind flutist is always showing himself
on the wall… here
and smiles at us often…
with your heart look far away
and with light fingers,
from the lips generates the melody of a song.
I wonder
Does he smile at us or mock us?
And its melody… is a happy song
or is it instead mourning and crying?
So I ask myself: if the blind player… is like us, blind.

From today I will share poems by different Arab poets. Enjoy the reading!

A partir d’aujourd’hui, je partagerai des poèmes de différents poètes arabes. Bonne lecture !

poesie arabe