L’aforisma del giorno – Najuan Darwish

Najwan Darwish, poeta di Gerusalemme, in Breve racconto sulla chiusura del mare ricorre ad un ampio impiego di elementi spaziali che connotano l’esperienza di vita a Gaza per restituire il senso dell’assedio: dalla strada al lato della città a quella che porta al campo profughi, dalla scuola che somiglia a una prigione alla soglia del silenzio. Persino il mare è sottoposto a reclusione e al piccolo Taysir non resta che affidarsi alla più feconda immaginazione:

Is the Gaza Sea still closed?
If you enter that street, on the side of the city, the one that leads to the refugee camp, if you find children at the exit of that school that resembles a prison, if you find seven on the threshold of silence observing, if you see a slim child with eyes that shine with the intelligence of whole world, you will have found my friend Taysir. His family had a country that was stolen in broad daylight. You will be able to see in his restless eyes the liveliness of the country’s birds stolen. The concrete houses, the memory of zinc, the terrifying crackle of the occupying army’s radios during the weeks of curfew, they didn’t affect the sparkle in his eyes. Only once had he seen the sea. Nothing will convince him not to go again. During the long days of curfew they deceived him: «The curfew is over we will take it to the sea.” One evening, when the curfew was over, they told him: «The sea is closed this hour. Go to sleep!” He hadn’t slept that night, he imagined an old man close the sea with a huge sheet of zinc that extended from the star on the horizon on the sand of the beach, and he locked it with a large padlock, bigger than the one in the shop of his father in Omar al-Mukhtar Street. He had imagined the old man returning home then. If you enter that street on the side of the city the one that leads to the refugee camp if you see two eyes that shine with the intelligence of the whole world, ask, I pray you, if the sea of ​​Gaza has been opened or if it is closed yet.

Najwan Darwish, a poet from Jerusalem, in A Short Story on the Closure of the Sea resorts to an extensive use of spatial elements that characterize the experience of life in Gaza to restore the sense of the siege: from the road on the side of the city to the one that leads to the refugee camp, from the school that resembles a prison to the threshold of silence. Even the sea is subjected to confinement and little Taysir has no choice but to rely on his most fertile imagination:

Najwan Darwish, poète de Jérusalem, dans une histoire bref sur la fermeture de la mer, recourt à une utilisation intensive des éléments spatiaux qui caractérisent l’expérience de la vie à Gaza pour restituer le sens du siège : de la route du côté de la de la ville à celle qui mène au camp de réfugiés, de l’école qui ressemble à une prison au seuil du silence. Même la mer est soumise au confinement et le petit Taysir n’a d’autre choix que de s’appuyer sur son imagination la plus fertile :

poesie palestinesi

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