L’aforisma del giorno – Salem Jubran

In una poesia scritta nel 1970, lo scrittore e traduttore Salem Jubran (1941-2011) chiama in causa Jean-Paul Sartre, schierato a favore della causa anticolonialista algerina, ma rimasto in silenzio sulla colonizzazione della Palestina.

If a child were killed, and his killers threw
his body in the mud,
wouldn’t you feel angry? What would you say?
I am a son of Palestine,
I die every year,
I get killed every day,
every hour.
Come on, look carefully at the variety of atrocities,
look at every photo, every image
the least horrible is that of my blood flowing.
Say something:
Why this sudden indifference?
So what is it, you have nothing to say?

In a poem written in 1970, the writer and translator Salem Jubran (1941-2011) calls into question Jean-Paul Sartre, who supported the Algerian anti-colonialist cause, but remained silent on the colonization of Palestine.

Dans un poème écrit en 1970, l’écrivain et traducteur Salem Jubran (1941-2011) remet en cause Jean-Paul Sartre, qui soutenait la cause anticolonialiste algérienne, mais restait silencieux sur la colonisation de la Palestinesur la colonisation de la Palestine.

poesie palestinesi

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