L’aforisma del giorno – Haidar Al Ghazali

Oggi tremiamo per la sorte del giovane poeta di Gaza, Haidar Al Ghazali, che, come molti altri abitanti della Striscia, si addormenta ogni notte con la paura di non svegliarsi il giorno dopo, autore di queste drammatiche righe:

It’s quarter past four in the morning, I go to sleep and prepare my body for the eventuality that a rocket will suddenly explode it, I prepare my memories, my dreams; so that they become breaking news or a number in a dossier, let the rocket arrive while I sleep so that I don’t feel pain, here is our last wartime dream and a very pathetic end for our greats dreams. I try to ward off this intimate fear by going to bed with a question: who ever told the people of Gaza that those who sleep don’t suffer?

Today we tremble for the fate of the young poet from Gaza, Haidar Al Ghazali, who, like many other inhabitants of the Strip, falls asleep every night with the fear of not waking up the next day, author of these dramatic lines:

Aujourd’hui, nous tremblons pour le sort du jeune poète de Gaza, Haidar Al Ghazali, qui, comme beaucoup d’autres habitants de la bande, s’endort chaque nuit avec la peur de ne pas se réveiller le lendemain, auteur de ces lignes dramatiques :

poesie palestinesi

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