L’aforisma del giorno – Naomi Shihab Nye

Naomi Shihab Nye associa le arance, le melanzane e la salvia a coloro che dormono ignari di un imminente raid dell’esercito israeliano. E se le mani sorridono, è forse per dispetto o per sfidare le autorità coloniali e le loro decisioni arbitrarie. Non c’è alcuna iperbole qui, le autorità israeliane hanno infatti vietato ai palestinesi del 1948 di raccogliere molte erbe aromatiche, in particolare lo zaatar, per riservare la coltivazione e la vendita ai coloni israeliani.

Even at war
Outside, the oranges rest, the aubergines,
the fields of wild sage. An order
of the government says:
“You won’t be able to harvest that sage anymore
that gives identity and flavor to your life.”
And all the hands smile.

Naomi Shihab Nye associates oranges, aubergines and sage with those who sleep unaware of an imminent raid by the Israeli army. And if the hands smile, it is perhaps out of spite or to challenge the colonial authorities and their arbitrary decisions. There is no hyperbole here, Israeli authorities in fact banned Palestinians in 1948 from harvesting many aromatic herbs, particularly zaatar, to reserve cultivation and sale for Israeli settlers.

Naomi Shihab Nye associe les oranges, les aubergines et la sauge à ceux qui dorment sans se douter d’un raid imminent de l’armée israélienne. Et si les mains sourient, c’est peut-être par dépit ou pour contester les autorités coloniales et leurs décisions arbitraires. Il n’y a pas d’hyperbole ici, les autorités israéliennes ont en fait interdit aux Palestiniens en 1948 de récolter de nombreuses herbes aromatiques, en particulier le zaatar, pour réserver leur culture et leur vente aux colons israéliens.

poesie palestinesi

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