L’aforisma del giorno – KHALIL GIBRAN

Your children are not your children… they are the sons and daughters of the very force of Life.
They are born through you, but not from you.
They dwell with you, yet they do not belong to you.
You can give them your love, but not your ideas.
You can give a home to their body, but not to their soul, because their soul lives in the house of the future that you cannot visit even in your dreams.
You can try to keep up with them, but don’t expect to make them similar to you, because life does not go back, nor can it stop at yesterday.
You are the bow from which, like living arrows, your children are launched forward.
The Archer aims at the target on the path of infinity and holds you tense with all his strength so that his arrows can go fast and far.
Let yourselves be stretched with joy in the hands of the Archer, for he loves equally both the arrows that fly and the bow that remains steadfast.


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